A Railroad Overpass in Kentucky, in which trains regularly pass underneath.
Problem: Trains operating under the bridge leave severe diesel soot and carbon deposits behind, resulting in a corroded bridge structure.
Solution: Two coats of RUST GRIP ® applied by brush at 200 sq.ft.(18 sq. meters) per gallon, covered by ENAMOGRIP ® sprayed on using an airless sprayer at 250 sq.ft.(22 sq. meters) per gallon. Tip size was .016 (16/1000 inch) or 400 micron (0.4mm).
After 8+ years of protection from RUST GRIP ® and ENAMO GRIP ®, Mr. Ted Hopwood at the University of Kentucky, which does research for the Kentucky Dept. of Transportation, reported the coating was still doing an outstanding job and looked very good.